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The British Board of Film Classification have the dubious pleasure of rating every movie we get to watch and as well as giving it a classification code which determines who is allowed to watch it they also give a brief note of any issues.

So for example there I was shopping for DVDs today and picked up a copy of Crank 2, High Voltage1. It's rated "18" and the BBFC notes:

Contains frequent strong violence, gore, sex and very strong language.

So, no surprise there then.

But this is what made me laugh: I also picked up a copy of Pride & Prejudice. Unsurprisingly it's rated "U" but the BBFC still thinks you need warning. They say:

Contains very mild innuendo and language

So there you are: you have been warned!

  1. Yes, yes, I know, but the original Crank was a complete tongue in cheek romp and Jason Statham carries off such things with a certain panache.

Written 25/02/10

Previous comments about this article:

On 25/02/10 at 6:25pm Graham Denison wrote:

Crank 2 is a bit silly and has too much CGI Have you seen the Transporter films, they are much better.... and on the same tack the Taxi films, the French ones, not the Queen Latticia one are well worth a wasted 90mins.

On 25/02/10 at 6:54pm Paul wrote:

... and Crank wasn't?! Yes, seen all three Transporter movies but not the others. Yet more money to spend on DVDs.

On 26/02/10 at 10:52pm Graham Denison wrote:

........well yes! Handy hint: Use Amazon Marketplace to buy your DVDs. It's a great place to get 2nd hand ones and the postage is only 1.24. Plus you can get 2nd hand NTSC DVDs before they are released in the UK.

On 26/02/10 at 11:54pm Paul wrote:

Heh, well sadly Crank 2, High Voltage sucked. We gave up at the point when the stripper got shot in the chest area about fifteen minutes in. Not big. Not clever. A shame because the original was a blast.

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