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Skinning Up


11:15pm and I've still not wibbled today. It's been one of those days. So here's a quick note about something I've done today: I've switched on the new Milton Photographic Club web site.

This isn't my design, it's the work of one of the other club members, and in truth it's not the sort of site I'd do for a customer as all that white text on a black background probably means it probably fails the requirements of the Disability Discrimination Act 1995 in that it's hard to read if you've got poor eyesight.

But this is a pro bono job: The Hug is just providing the server and the back end Opus content management system, so it's down to the club what they do and they're happy with it. Which is good.

Why I wanted to mention it here is that it's a good example of the sort of thing you can do with Opus. The member designed the site and gave me some sample pages. It was then very easy for me to turn his HTML into an Opus template and then drop his content in as Opus articles. The only vaguely hard part was to write an Opus "object" to generate the members page, which uses the members' combined RSS feed1 to generate the content for that page.

He's used Opus before with another site I created for the village so I don't even need to train him. Now he can manage the content along with another member who he's going to train.

So a nice little job put to bed. Onwards and upwards.

  1. Generated by Planet Venus from members' RSS feeds every ten minutes - this was a feature we had on the old site already so it was easy to retain.

Tags: websites Written 11/01/11

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