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... came this morning from Amazon. Kate Bush at her barking best. Like "Hounds of Love" it's got two "sides", but on two CDs this time so it retains the separation which was lost when "Hounds of Love" went to CD from vinyl (yes, I'm the sad person who has it on both vinyl and CD).

The first CD "A Sea of Honey" is a bit of mix, clearly random stuff she's stored up over the last decade or so (yes, it really is twelve years since her last album), some good, some a bit average, but the second "A Sky of Honey" is a good old fashioned concept album a la Pink Floyd at their best and is really quite stunning in parts. Among other things it features birdsong so realistic it had Jake worried, Rolf Harris singing (which had me worried) and Kate's young son makes a couple of appearances. There's also a whole song about him on "A Sea of Honey".

On the down side the sleeve booklet only features one pic of Kate and even then half her face is hidden.

But anyway it's a definite buy if you've not done so already.

Tags: music Written 08/11/05

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