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Holding My Nose for Milton


I was in Cambridge News today - an article about the sewage works which is smelling again, featured comment from me and a photo of me holding my nose.

It's a bit a con though as it's an old friend.

The photo was taken when we had the pong problem before. It's so old that I was still chair of Milton PC (and my beard was a lot less grey!). Cambridge News re-discovered it in their archive at Christmas when they were doing a "green bins not being emptied for weeks" story, in which I was also quoted, and asked if they could use it again as it fitted the story so well.

Then on Wednesday when a reporter phoned me about the pong story (which they'd picked up on as they read milton-news via its mailing list) I couldn't resist reminding him that they already had a photo of me on file holding my nose (I'm such a tart) and it seems that they used it.

The other thing to note if you look carefully is that I'm not actually holding my nose at all: my hand is hovering in front on my nose. A clever deceit by the photographer as it apparently produces a far better photograph than if you actually hold your nose!

Still the good news is that the publicity seems to have produced some action: having initially told me by phone it was just a change in wind direction you'll see from the article that they now admit there's an issue and we're told that SCDC's environmental health department has also been in touch with them.

Tags: Milton, press Written 14/03/08

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