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It's Been a Mixed Day


On the down side I had a humdinger of a migraine this morning which neither Maxalt nor paracetamol fixed. I ended up on the sofa all morning watching iPlayer videos and then retired to bed with yet more paracetamol (with codeine this time). Either the second lot of drugs or the hour's kip I got finally kicked it so I was able to walk up to the Country Park to hand over a cheque, on behalf of the campaign to save to Park, to the trust who're now running it now.

Then home, via Tesco. That was kind of eventful in itself as when I stepped onto the zebra crossing outside Tesco the car coming down Cambridge Road towards me, rather than coming to a halt (which he had lots of time to do), accelerated at me. I had to step back rather swiftly onto the pavement. Sadly I was too busy swearing at them and glowering to get their registration number.

And then Chris and Sarah turned up at 6ish and we've had them here for the last four hours. It was a real joy to see them. the last time was their wedding back in January 2007. They're well settled in Florida now and they've just got their visas renewed for another 18 months and I get the distinct impression that they will be there a fair while longer yet.

We had a rather fine supper too: an excellent shoulder joint of hogget from Michael Beaumont which Beth had part boned, rolled and stuffed along with roast potatoes, steamed mixed vegetables, aubergine and courgette bhaji, and gravy of course. All this preceded by Carl Jung "champagne", the alcohol free fizz we had for our wedding breakfast, and accompanied by a mixture of Shiraz and alcohol free beer.

So now I'm tired and nicely stuffed ... just like the hogget!

Tags: Fleet, food, health Written 17/08/08

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