5x12 pentomino tiling



Monday went off with a bit of a bang today as in between trying to finish off a work project for the Centre for Crime and Justice Studies I had to wander up to the parish council office as their ADSL broadband had stopped working1.

But I did get the work finished too, earlier than I expected, so I joined Beth on a Green Dragon bridge loop walk. So that was 6.25 miles on the clock, which is good for the waistline. And in reasonable weather too - we were both down to T-shirts for the middle section.

Beth chose a good day to go walking: the rain is allegedly back tomorrow for most of the day, then we get another clear interlude and then it's going to piss down on Thursday night/Friday morning.

Despite all the rain so far the Cam isn't too bad: the river above the lock, i.e. into Cambridge, is certainly up but not drastically, and although they've got the mechanical sluices at Bait Bite open they're only really cracked so the flow above the lock isn't that rapid.

Anyway I'm knackered now so I'm off for a little lie down.

  1. Poor Jim thought it was his fault as he'd been moving kit about but in the end I decided that the phone interface on the ADSL modem had been fried by the lightning yesterday as it simply didn't come up. Luckily their ISP had provided them with a second ADSL modem/router for some reason I forget now and at the time I prevailed on him to hang on to it. So I got that plugged in and, with a little help from the ISP, got him back online again. And I got a cup of tea and some custard creams out of it so it wasn't a wasted trip!

Tags: walks, work Written 08/09/08

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