5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


As I'm sure you know pretty much all smartphones now have a GPS in but the problem if you want to use them to record a track is that it canes your battery. So you end up either piggy backing it with a battery pack or, if you're in the car, keeping it plugged into the charger.  read more ...


On Friday, the day before our day with the Gaffers, we sailed Serenity from Shotley Marina to Bradwell. I was skipper so, rather than using Jenny's fancy nav hardware, I used paper charts and relied on my Garmin Foretrex 101 wrist mounted GPX for position and bearing. It also records track so here's that track.  read more ...


Today I finally got around to revealing the Milton Photo Archive to the world, something I spent a lot of time working on the last time Beth was away researching walks for WalkLakes.  read more ...


I was on FixMyStreet today reporting a problem and I clicked on the "Your Reports" link which I'd never bothered doing before and this map appeared:  read more ...


I've made an enhancement to my mapping application today which came about largely as a side effect of some work I've been doing for Beth to make it easier for her when she's entering details of new walks onto the WalkLakes site.  read more ...


... well, driving you mad really. I've just spent most of the day wrestling with a peculiar problem interfacing with the latest version of the Ordnance Survey OpenSpace software after they claimed they couldn't re-produce my bug.  read more ...


I've been working on ways to render the maps we draw for our walks on WalkLakes which both avoids using the Ordnance Survey OpenSpace server and the licensing restrictions that implies and also reducing the data bandwidth involved, especially when displaying our walks on mobile devices.  read more ...

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I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: