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Of Eyes, Drama and Tears


Today's trip into town on the bus was to get my eyes tested, as a result of which I'm soon to be the owner of two new pairs of glasses: one for reading, the other mainly for watching DVDs with sub-titles.

But people watching me on the bus going into town or walking back to find the bus home might have noticed my eyes for another reason.

Because I was close to tears.

Why? Because I was listening to the final two episodes of series three of Double Income, No Kids Yet an excellent comic drama which has been repeated on BBC Radio 7 over the last few weeks. In the third and final series our heroes Dan and Lucy suddenly decide in their late thirties to have a child, having spent the previous two series watching with amusement their friends lives been ruined by children.

So series three pottered along nicely. Lucy got pregnant and by the end of episode four things were going fine. So it came as a bit of a shock when this morning on the way into town my ears were confronted with Lucy's miscarriage and the consequences thereof. They're fine actors (Dan for example was played by David Tennant before he went on to better paid things) so it was well done, and excruciatingly sad. Episode five ended with Dan in the rain outside the hospital on the phone at midnight to his mate Andy in tears.

I was pretty near tears too by then.

Episode six was the aftermath a couple of months on and I started listening to that on the way back to the town centre to pick up the bus home. One bit really got to me and I was close to tears again so until you get a chance to catch the three series on iPlayer next time it comes around here's an excerpt from episode six which I think is short enough to qualify as "fair use". It's Dan and Andy, in the pub.

Written 13/01/10

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