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Mapping Gets Better


I've talked before about the application I wrote using the MultiMap Open API so that you could plan your walk on 1:50,000 OS maps for uploading to your GPS (as a GPX file). You can also download tracks off your GPS and upload them as GPX files to the site so you can work out exactly where you went.

Well, I have some news. I recently got an offer from Walkhighlands to take over the application and put it on their server as they have a commercial licence from Multimap. As a result if you register (it's free) you can now plan your walk on 1:25,000 OS maps. This was an excellent idea and I jumped at the chance to improve usability of the software, not least for us.

So you can now find it here:


I hope you find it as useful as we do. Oh, and by the way, it's also a very clean way to print off bits of OS maps, at either scale ...

Written 15/01/10

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