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Jack & Jessie


So we went to the Dogs Trust at Snetterton to look at the only collie their web site said they had only to find when we arrive that they had four. Two, including the one we went there to look at, we clearly going to be a problem walking off lead in Milton Country Park without a lot of work.

Jack and Jessie
Jack and Jessie

But the other two were a pair, brother and sister. About five years old and rescued in Ireland (there's a big problem with strays in Ireland at the moment). And that's who we picked. We've been up and down to Snetterton four times this week and today we picked them up and brought them home.

They're currently asleep in the kitchen after a long and stressful day (and indeed a stressful couple of weeks in the rescue and being transported from Ireland). Jack1 is the one with longer hair and some white on him. Jessie is all tan on her top with a white belly. She has been heavily trimmed in Ireland to remove the mats in her fur but it'll grow back.

  1. Jack was actually called "Jake" at the rescue, although it's not clear if that's a name the Irish rescue gave them or their original names, but we've renamed him Jack for obvious reasons.

Tags: Jack, Jessie Written 30/10/10

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