5x12 pentomino tiling

Day 5 in the TallPaul House ...


... and already I'm running out of things to wibble about. I'm sure it was easier than this last time. Perhaps today's sad news from just outside Milton Country Park hasn't helped.

Anyway here's a cool mapping app to keep you amused1, Gavin Brock's Ordnance Survey Map KML Overlays. If you have Google Earth installed and you click that link then your browser should offer to open it using Google Earth.

Select anywhere in the UK, somewhere hilly like Glencoe ideally, and it will overlay Ordnance Survey maps onto Google's terrain. You will get 1:10K if you zoom in too far, if you do then zoom out a bit and you'll get 1:50K. To view it to best effect use an oblique view so you can see how the contours describe the terrain.

Then if you then highlight "Gavin's Unofficial Overlay of the Ordnance Survey Maps" in the places window on the left you can use the slider beneath that window to fade in and out the maps and see the underlying photographic imagery.

It's exceptionally cool, I'm just annoyed I didn't think of it first.

  1. Beth found this one so credit to her.

Written 05/01/11

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