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Tilly RIP


Our dog Tilly had cancer in her right front leg which, after two operations to remove the cancer, ended up with her loosing her right leg early this year.

Sadly she then got secondaries, a bunch of which were removed in July but we feared then that it would get her in the end. In the Yorkshire Dales over the Bank Holiday weekend she was off her food and having problems catching her breath and that got worse last week until, by this morning, Beth had to carry her back from her walk and she refused to eat any food, even her favourites like cheese and choccy drops.

We had the vet out to see her and she put Tilly to sleep. So she now lies at rest in the back garden.

Tilly was ten and a half when she died and she had shared our lives for just under six years. She was so full of vitality right up to the end. This photo of her in Scotland in July sums it up for Beth and me as she came hurtling out of the water on three legs.

We'll miss her.

Tags: RIP, Tilly Written 06/09/04

Previous comments about this article:

On 29/07/09 at 3:34pm Campbell Marlene wrote:

Just came accross your blog looking for something on the internet- Tilly was indeed one lucky dog to have spent her time with such obviously caring and loving owners - god bless you

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