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Rubbish Collections ...


... quite literally. The bin collections in Milton have been crap this holiday period with four weeks between green bin collections (ours is now full and we're having to put kitchen waste in the black bin which annoys me).

Cambridge News spotted this was going to be an issue and ran a front page story1 on it before Christmas in which I was quoted2.

Now SCDC have admitted that people weren't very happy with the holiday bin collections and are asking for residents to comment. As I'd complained in the paper I thought I'd better write so I did last night. I also blogged my reply on my Milton blog, so rather today's posting here is really just to refer you to that posting.

The above is all only really of interest if you're an SCDC resident3. Sorry.

  1. With the wonderful headline "Bins pong verily on high . . ." for which they deserve a small prize.
  2. They were short of people willing to put their head above the parapet and rang me up knowing I'd always be happy to help after their support for the campaign to save Milton Country Park and as it turned out that had a photo of me in their archive holding my nose from when I was parish council chairman and worrying about the sewage works smell which they thought was great and used in the print version of the story.
  3. I really must get tags working in Opus so I can start tagging postings.

Tags: local politics, Milton, press Written 10/01/08

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