« | Rain, floods ... and chap sticks |
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It rained last night. Really quite a lot, so although it's lovely and sunny today there's puddles in the Country Park and the water level in the lakes is up. The water level in Dickerson's pit is controlled by an outfall into the 13th public drain in the south east corner of the lake so there was a fair flow of water out through there today.
Water coming out of Dickerson's (top) into 13th public drain (running left to right)
There was quite a lot of water coming down the drain from further west too. No doubt the River Cam, where the drain ends up, is very full now. It was certainly heading that way at the weekend and flowing fast with all the sluices open.
It's going to rain again tomorrow with more forecast for the weekend. It will be interesting to see if the Cam floods again.
Oh yes, the chap stick: guess who absentmindedly tried to lip salve his lips using a Pritt glue stick this morning. Sigh.
Tags: country park | Written 16/01/08 |
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