5x12 pentomino tiling

Not a good day


Migraine this morning. First proper one this year. After one, repeat one, pint of beer last night. How depressing is that? Nice pint of beer mind you. Black Sheep. First pint of real ale I'd had in 2008. Probably first in a month. There's something very sensual about well served ale. I do miss it.

Anyway the day has been pretty crap since. On the plus side as my brain was toast I watched Music and Lyrics in the morning, which was good, not great, but OK. And Jenny popped around with some free T shirts for me (she's been on a diet and done very well so they're far too big for her now) which was nice.

Thought I'd got better in the afternoon so did some work stuff. Then, while cooking supper, had a "funny turn" and I've been asleep for the last two hours trying to sleep it off but I'm still not right now and typing this is proving really hard as the words aren't coming off my fingers right and I'm having to go back and delete all the time.

But blog every day I will, and today I have.

This is Tall Paul signing off and heading for the sofa.

Tags: blogging, films, health Written 17/01/08

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