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There's two high profile murder trials going on at the moment and what's struck me is that the accused admitted behaviour really does leave me wondering about my fellow man.
Take Steve Wright first of all1 - he's the bloke accused of murdering five women who worked as prostitutes over at Ipswich. He says he used to visit them after playing golf or "whenever I got the urge"2.
Yeah, OK we men are weak, and apparently some of us can't go more than five minutes without a shag so I suppose I'm not really surprised by the above, just slightly depressed.
It's the second one that takes my breath away however.
This is Mark Dixie. He's accused of murdering Sally Anne Bowman whose bleeding near naked body was found in a London street. His defence is that he chanced upon her lifeless body in the early morning and, under the influence of drink and drugs, had sexual intercourse with her while she lay dead in a pool of blood in her driveway3.
I repeat, that's his defence. I don't think there's a lot more I can say really.
- Is it just me, or do you find yourself doing a double take every time you hear that name? "Steve Wright? But he always seemed so nice on Radio 2!"
- I confess I didn't see why golf was itemised separately there but whatever.
- There's more, as the article to which I'm linking reveals, but I don't recommend it if you're squeamish.
Written 08/02/08 |
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