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I mentioned last week that I was finally making progress on our re-written photo library. I had another go at it today and can now import albums from the existing public photo albums. This is a giant leap forward and it's now largely just a matter of ploughing my way through a couple of years worth of photos and getting them imported.
Then I've got to add a layer to allow the world to see public albums, our friends to see any photos, and the two of us to be able to edit the photo data.
That's not the end of the story as I've also got video support in the public albums (see this one for example, which is all videos, although an album can contain a mix of both stills and videos).
None of this is making me any money mind you, but it's doing wonders for my morale, and hence making it more likely I can get on with things which will make me some money.
I'm sure when I started this post I had some other things to talk about but whatever it was it's gone clean out of my head. Sigh.
Tags: photos, video, web design | Written 07/02/08 |
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