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Banoffee Pavlova


It's been a bit of bitty day today, not least because the wind has been a bit wicked again. We drove to Bunnahabhain to look at the distillery but it looked like a dump to be honest - grey building and several of the houses for workers were clearly derelict - so we continued on down to the south of the island to visit the Oa nature reserve and walk out to the American war memorial commorating those who died on the troop ships Otranto and Tuscania. The walk is well worth it, not so much for the memorial itself, interesting though that is, but for the superb views over the Oa and over the sea to the south.

On the way back we stopped at the airport café for banoffee pavlova - yes, that's two of my favourite puddings in one concoction. Heaven. We'd been tipped the wink of the existence of this by a nice lady in The Islay Shop in Bowmore after she had sold us only one airbed.

Our last supper on Islay was back at the site café again but we discovered that although they didn't have a licence we could bring our own so we did and had a very pleasant supper accompanied by a bottle of one of our favourite whites.

Tags: food, Islay, walks Written 22/05/08

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