5x12 pentomino tiling

Another day ...


... another curry. Well, actually we had a pork/chicken pud thai for lunch but it was our third meal out in a row which is very decadent for us.

At the risk of "over sharing" baked beans twice this week1 followed by two curries has left me more than a little gassy at the moment. Oh well.

Sadly last night's meal left me starting the day with another bloody migraine. I was hoping I was at the end of this cluster now but apparently not.

Meanwhile a letter from Phoenix, the people who now run my permanent health insurance. I wrote to them four months ago disputing their reduction in my claim payout and they've still not responded despite me chasing by letter and phone so I made a formal complaint to them via the approved channel.

I got a reply today. In essence it said "yes, you're right, you did write to us four months ago and we've not replied. That's not very good is it?".

And that's pretty much it. No resolution to the issue, just a note that my claim is still being assessed. Sigh.

Anyway as the weather is decidedly crap today we've spent a lazy afternoon and evening in front of the fire eating jam doughnuts and mince pies. The rain seems to be keeping most of the kiddies lighting fireworks indoors too, which is good news for Jake.

  1. Once with haggis with neeps and tatties - bliss!

Tags: food, health Written 01/11/08

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