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CalMac Customer Email Compromised


One of the advantages of having your own domain is being able to give every company you interact with a unique email address. This makes it easy to quench the flow of spam if they fail to Do The Right Thing™ but it also means you can tell if their customer email data has been compromised.

Yesterday it was the turn of Caledonian MacBrayne aka CalMac, the Scottish ferry company with an email allegedly from HMRC to the email address I'd only given to CalMac:

HMRC email to CalMac email address

So I dutifully phoned up CalMac and asked to speak to someone in IT or data protection and got put through to Fraser. Eventually he understood what I was saying. I think. He took my number and promised to phoned me back.

He didn't. Hence this blog post. If you've given your details to CalMac while purchasing tickets from them then it's more than possible that your details are now compromised. I will be contacting the Information Commissioner's Office (for all the good it will do me).

Tags: internet Written 26/07/14

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