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3am ... and it's foggy out


I can't sleep so I'm lying here on the sofa bashing away at the laptop until my brain decides to shut down again. I think part of the trouble is that I ache from yesterday's walk so I've popped a couple of paracetamol and codeine1.

Outside it's foggy. It's really quite thick. I can see the gate into Milton Hall but I can't see far into their grounds so visibility is under 100m. It seems dreadfully unseasonable, more like an Autumn thing, but given yesterday's weather anything is possible.

I'm finding this whole climate change thing weighing heavy on my mind these days. I used to worry about what things would be like for the next generation, my nephew and niece. Now I fear that things are going to get bad, really very bad, just as we get old enough to find it more difficult to cope with change.

What alarms me most is that, despite the very visible signs that things aren't right, and the words of the scientists, governments just carry on as if nothing has happened. For example can we really be seriously considering a second runway at Stanstead or a third at Heathrow?

I despair sometimes.

Anyway I can feel the codeine starting to have an effect so hopefully I won't be here for too long much longer. I'd better try to wind down in preparation for getting some more sleep.

  1. I really need an NSAID like aspirin or ibuprofen but sadly I'm not really allowed those any more.

Tags: national politics, world Written 11/02/08

Previous comments about this article:

On 11/02/08 at 10:01pm Paul wrote:

I went back to bed at about 4am and got some sleep. By the time I got up at about 8am the fog had cleared as the temperature had dropped enough for it to drop out as frost. Quite a hard one too ... and about time.

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