5x12 pentomino tiling

Dreaming of a White ... Easter


More snow was forecast for last night and people were questioning whether it was actually going to happen. The wind has dropped by bedtime and there seemed to be little more weather to come. This morning however there was a good covering of snow: two to three inches. What a great way to welcome Easter.

Ingleborough, one of the Three Peaks, taken by Beth as they walked towards it

Beth went off up Ingleborough with a party of intrepid walkers1. I stayed behind, both because I was going to cook supper but also because I had a migraine. As usual I've been finding having everyone around hard work and had been hiding sometimes but today was particularly bad with the migraine too and I was grateful for the peace and quiet when everyone left. I peeled and chopped vegetables and listened to an Ian Rankin spoken book which Beth bought me a few weeks ago and by mid-afternoon I felt better.

The other challenge of the day was the oven. It tops out at 130-140°C. It won't get any hotter. It's the thermostat that's at fault: I tried sealing some leaks and it made no difference to the temperature. So I had to slow cook the roasts. The pork shoulder was in for 6.5 hours (normally it would have taken about three) and the smaller lamb shoulder had 4.5 hours. The pork was a bit over done to be honest but the lamb came out just right.

Beth got back from her walk knackered but helped me make gravy.

So we had a good supper, and didn't have anything left over, unlike the other nights, so I think we got the portions about right.

And then we sat about and chatted and for the first time this trip there were a sensible number of people in one room so conversation was (mainly) single threaded, which I find a lot easier to cope with.

  1. Debs has posted some photos of that expedition, and some other photos of our trip to Fawber, including two of me wearing something very silly, here - I wish I could tell you I was drunk, but I wasn't of course so I've got no excuse.

Tags: Beth, Fawber, food, health, photos Written 23/03/08

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