5x12 pentomino tiling

Scenery, in Spades


Jake's left eye has been weeping and looking red to the first task today was to try to get to see the only vet on Mull. Which we succeeded in doing once I'd tracked him down via the Web. We had time before our appointment for a little outing to Grass Point.

Afterwards we went to Loch Buie for the afternoon and had a thoroughly splendid time. A long single track road through gorgeous countryside and then lunch on the rocks followed by a walk along the coastal path to Laggan beach.

Laggan beach, a lovely place

The beach shelves very gently and the waves were tiny anyway so they could hardly be bothered to break. We just sat on the rocks for ages soaking in the view before ambling back.

It was such a nice evening when we got back with both sun and a gentle breeze keeping the midges at bay that I cooked lamb tikka on the stove.

Afterwards we went for an evening drive out down the A849 to Loch Scridainand then followed the road round to Loch na Keal. This is a stunning area and looks out over the Tresnish islands and Staffa. It brought back happy memories of last year's sailing trip in these waters.

Tags: Mull Written 24/05/08

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