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Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


Among the many reasons that I'm pissed off with the Lib Dems at the moment you can now add another: they're taking my Twitter tweets out of context.  read more ...


I chanced upon an interesting blog post from Alec Muffett last night, he was pointing out pointing out that the draft operative provisions for a Royal Charter for a Recognition Panel to govern the press will, as drafted, affect everyone who posts in the UK.  read more ...


I've been meaning for some time to rant about how commentators, and particularly politicians, confuse the national debt with the deficit, treating "deficit" as a synonym for "debt".  read more ...


In these days of student loans where people are leaving university with 30K of debt this little soundbite from a More or Less podcast broadcast in December 2010 should still be of interest.  read more ...


For the first time in my life I appear to be the member of a political party ... well, sort of: I've signed up as a member of the National Health Action Party. Lead by two doctors, one of which is Dr Richard Taylor who was independent MP for Wyre Forest for two parliaments between 2001 and 2010.  read more ...


With the growing anger over the proposed sell of our woodland (and if you've not signed the 38 Degrees petition yet then please find time to do so) I've been pondering why I'm more angry with the Lib Dems ...  read more ...


So VAT increased from 17.5% to 20% on a lot of goods today and it's been interesting to watch the fall out. First from those who can't do percentages.  read more ...

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I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: