5x12 pentomino tiling

Munro Bagging


Today it was time to conquer Ben More, Mull's only Munro. It's another hard hill as you start as sea level and given how hard we both found the last hill Jake and I decided that would leave Beth to do this walk alone.

Beth about to set off to conquer Ben More on Mull
Beth about to set off up the hill

It was very grey when I dropped her off at the car park at the side of Loch na Keal and I wondered how she would get on. I drove back to the camp site, stopping for a full Scottish breakfast at the pub across the road (which was very good, if a tad pricy) and then headed for the tent.

I'd intended to do some tidying up but by this time it was raining quite hard and I didn't want to keep tramping in and out of the tent so in the end I bought today's paper and some lunch from the little shop in Craignure opposite the ferry and drove back to the car park.

Beth phoned me on the way from the top of Ben More. She'd done it in three hours1 - not bad going at all.

It took her another three hours to get down and it was raining throughout her descent.

Back at the camp site the midges were dreadful. Meanwhile we had to do something about supper so we went to the pub. There were even midges inside the pub. We were both very pissed off with the midges and when we talked about going home early as we'd now achieved our main goals for the holiday.

  1. She took my GPS so you can find her track online here - look for the purple line.

Tags: Beth, maps, Mull, walks Written 28/05/08

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