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Out of Control Bus


Since I mentioned the atheist bus idea on Monday things have got a bit out of control. The news that they'd reached their target of £5,500.00 seemed to have the side effect of bring the idea to the attention of a lot more people and suddenly it's taken off.

At the time I'm writing (about 9:30pm Thursday) the total is £89,872.18 and still rising!

Ariane has written about it again today on The Guardian web site. They're now thinking about a national campaign, although Brian Souter's brand of Christianity means we're unlikely to see it locally.

I've got mixed feeling about the whole idea of this to be honest. One of the things I like about this country is that generally we don't take religion very seriously - and that includes a lot of people who go to church. But we're in danger of making people take sides, and that's never a good thing.

Tags: religion Written 23/10/08

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