5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


On second thoughts I've dumped the first paragraph of today's posting as a because, as we know, a blog is not a diary but here's some more to chew on.  read more ...


Lots to tell you today. Serenity, now with new crew, has finally made it across the Firth of Forth on the third attempt and was at Taymouth last night. ...  read more ...


I've been catching up today. Amazing what a backlog of things to read build up when you're away for a fortnight, both on paper (the latest Private Eye came ...  read more ...


I'm slowly reading the whole Ozy and Millie back catalogue and I came across this cartoon today which I think that sums up the blogging thing nicely.  read more ...


Woke up at some ungodly hour this morning with a thumping migraine. After drugs (two sorts) finally kicked it I cuddled up with a bear for another hour's sleep before the alarm went off ...  read more ...


Got washing up to do, things to tidy away, shopping to get, and apple crumble to make so having nothing better to write about for Saturday I offer you ...  read more ...


The latest XKCD appeared online overnight claiming that ...  read more ...

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I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: