5x12 pentomino tiling

Rogers of Bedford


You may remember that we took Dougal the Discovery to Bedford last month to have its head sorted out. That cost us £2,400 (rather more than the original estimate) but at least it was fixed and we used the trip to Norwich to make sure everything was OK.

It seemed to be fine so Beth set off to the Lake District yesterday for a long weekend's hill walking.

She phoned me tonight from a payphone (there's no mobile coverage where she is). Dougal is pissing diesel all over the place, looks like something has blown around the head somewhere but she can't see what and in any case she's not got any tools to fix it even if she could see.

So in the morning she's going to have to call out Britannia Rescue and, if their agent can't fix it, she's going to have to get her and Dougal recovered to Bedford so they can fix it.

Properly this time.

Hopefully Britannia will also deliver her home too, otherwise I'll have to organise a taxi, which will be another £40.

What a nightmare.

Tags: landies Written 15/11/08

Previous comments about this article:

On 16/11/08 at 10:48am Paul wrote:

Luckily the nice man from Britannia Rescue did manage to fix it. Turned out that a fuel hose had simply popped off. He put it back, clipped it on, and having done so claimed he couldn't pull it off again. Phew!

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