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Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


I dislike Facebook Messenger and I don't have it on my phone or tablet (not least because it's a processor and memory hog on Android). Nor do I have the Facebook app for the same reason, instead I use Face Slim, an unofficial app built around the mobile Facebook site which is both lightweight and works well. ...  read more ...


The story so far.

Despite our new home having had a phone line and ADSL until the day we took possession on 24th March BT OpenReach decided that there was no phone line here so we would have to pay for a site visit to re-commission the line. ...  read more ...


I got an email recently from a company asking if they could use some of my photographs. This is it:  read more ...


I was reading a blog post today Why Twitter Represents Everything Wrong With America Today and, if you're a Twitter user I commend it to you as it's very good. However he makes some points about Facebook which I think are worth highlighting for Facebook users.  read more ...


For a while now I've been wondering if I could set up an auto-responder for Facebook Messenger because although I use Facebook I don't, despite Facebook's determined attempts to make me, use Messenger. So when people do message me then, if I'm at home using my browser I do see their message. Eventually.  read more ...


I've been meaning to wibble on about MUBI for a while. According to MUBI it is "a curated online cinema bringing you cult, classic, independent, and award-winning movies".  read more ...


I know a lot of people use it but I'm not a great fan of Facebook Messenger. I think part of the reason is that it's imposed upon you: if you use Facebook then, implicitly, you are using Messenger. I can find no way of saying "I don't use Messenger" and people assume you do. So they message you anyway. Sometimes about stuff that matters, and that's a problem.  read more ...

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I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

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