5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


Here's a little story I've mentioned to some people already but I keep forgetting to write down. My parents are of much the same age and were born and brought up only a couple of miles from each other ...  read more ...


One of the events that's happening this year is my Aunt Pauline's 65th birthday party and it suddenly gave me pause for thought: ...  read more ...


My phone rang as we sat in the restaurant tonight waiting for our main course to turn up. As I've remarked before I don't get many phone calls now ...  read more ...


When Ruth visited yesterday she gave me some pictures she took at Mom and Dad's golden wedding anniversary party back in March.  read more ...


My niece and nephew, Rachel and Jamie, came to see us today along with their mom, my sister Ruth. ...  read more ...


Inspired by the celebration of my parent's 50th wedding anniversary and the photos of their wedding I've been looking around at genealogy software...  read more ...


Ooooh, I like some good gossip me. So I was amused to hear some from my mother today relating to the photos of their wedding which I put online on Tuesday. ...  read more ...

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I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: