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Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


I was in town today having my eyes tested and came across this poster in The Grafton, the big mall in Cambridge, explaining how to spot a terrorist.  read more ...


I was chatting by email yesterday to a fellow blogger. He's currently a local councillor but he's got ambitions to be an MP ...  read more ...


For the last couple of weeks I've been talking to the doctors at our village surgery about the issue of proposed changes to their contract with the Government. ...  read more ...


Excuse me while I rant. The Tories have got a lift in the polls at the moment. ...  read more ...


I've been a busy boy over the last three months, working away fairly frantically (in as much as I do frantic these days, which isn't very to be honest) at a number of web sites. Some I can tell you about, some I can't.  read more ...


The Guardian today splashed a big picture of Oliver Letwin across the front page which made me laugh.  read more ...

I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: