5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


I've muttered in times past when I was having more to do with local politics on the ground that the buzzword of the day was "sustainable". I wasn't the only person to notice either. Randall over at XKCD suggested that "sustainable" was unsustainable:  read more ...


The Washington Post is running a poll at the moment: What is your favorite webcomic of the past decade?. If you're quick you may get to vote. I already have so I got to see the results at the time I voted ...  read more ...


Thanks to Jeph at Questionable Content I've discovered Girls with Slingshots and this early strip was what first got me giggling.  read more ...


Today's Dilbert is great. The first frame is complete in itself really. Which reminds me. We think we've discovered one of the fundamental rules of the Internet:  read more ...


I'm ridiculously sad this morning, close to tears in fact, because of a cartoon character.  read more ...


Of course the LHC isn't doing collisions yet so no real surprise that nothing "exciting" has happened but ...  read more ...


I just loved the description by Faye of her relationship with Sven in the latest Questionable Content strip.  read more ...

I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: