5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


I recently discovered Cairt, Newsletter of the Scottish Maps Forum, and I've subscribed but they only come out every six months so I'm currently working by way through the back issues while waiting for the next one and this caught my eye.  read more ...


When we first started out serving map tiles then, like a lot of people, we used GeoServer. But GeoServer is a lumbering beast of a Java application ...  read more ...



Last year I posted a photo of a benchmark on Milton parish church. On Saturday afternoon I was in Nairn high street with my camera and chanced across another one so took this photo. It's been pushed heavily to black and white (although it was pretty monochrome already).  read more ...


I was talking in my last blog post about how I'd bought a Garmin eTrex 10. This was mainly for two traditional GPS functions: track recording and route following as, according to Garmin, it's not got any mapping. Except that it does.  read more ...


When I'm walking I don't tend to navigate via GPS (although I do sometimes use one for track logging) as I still prefer a paper map but occasionally it's useful to be able to just double check your location by asking the GPS for the OSGB grid reference.  read more ...


Retrospective Geotagging

I've been playing with retrospectively geotagging photos today but I've already written about that here so here's a photo using it today. I put a GPS in my camera bag before I set out and then tagged the photo when I got back.


Ever on the lookout for new gizmos to waste my money on I was looking at a GPS device for my Nikon SLR today (Opteka GPN-1, only £34.61 from Amazon at the moment, bargain compared to Nikon's offering) and concluded in the end that it, and all the other similar units, were dubious as you had to have a cable flapping about between the GPS on your hotshoe and the socket on the side of the SLR.  read more ...

I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: