5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


I'm currently moving our codebase from PHP7 to PHP8. In PHP8 the developers are strongly encouraging users to explicitly declare variables and to move away from implicit casting but here's a doozy where they've arbitrarily changed the way implicit casting is done.  read more ...


As part of my migration away from Twitter to Mastodon I've had to re-work some of the integrations between that and my web pages.  read more ...


So today we asked for our final dedicated host at Bytemark to be decommissioned and this seems like a good time to wibble a bit about the rise and fall of that company.  read more ...


Historically Beth and I have tended to post photos to Flickr licensed under a Creative Commons CC BY-NC 2.0 licence - or, in long form, Attribution-NonCommercial 2.0 Generic.  read more ...


When I last upgraded the fonts used on my pages I said that I was looking to the New Yorker web site for inspiration. I found a good font for the body text but struggled to find a suitable free substiture for their all caps headline font which is their own design NY Irvin and was created by Rea Irvin, the first art editor of the magazine.  read more ...


As the domain which hosted it expires this week I've decided it's time to wind down my policy of open sourcing Opus, the content management system (CMS) that powers this web site and lots of our other web sites and that seems like a good time to talk a bit about how its history.  read more ...


Firefox Quantum Release 57 of Firefox brings us what is essentially a whole new browser, faster and leaner; a quantum leap as it were, which I suppose is why they're calling in Firefox Quantum.  read more ...

I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: