5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


Those of you who've been to our house know that the sitting room HiFi is of a great age, something of which I've remained stubbornly proud, not least because I get a great sound out if it. The input components have come and gone...  read more ...


The excellent get_iplayer running in PVR mode warned me that the marvellous Pilgrim series written by Sebastian Baczkiewicz is back on Radio 4 in the Afternoon Drama slot on Monday afternoon for a new season. ...  read more ...


I hesitate to comment on other people's verbal tics because I know I've got a few myself but I was half listening to BBC Five Live's "Breakfast" show last Friday and heard this just before 7am. It's an interview with Maria Catalano who is the world's top woman snooker player. Take a listen:  read more ...


I'm in a state of moderate excitement at the discovery today that BBC Radio 4 Extra is starting a four part serialisation of The Beekeeper's Apprentice starting this Friday.  read more ...


I am a great blubber when watching movies. I never used to be. I used to be able to sit through everything like a man. And then I saw Four Weddings and a Funeral for the first time ...  read more ...


I may not have succeeded in creating new life but I do seem to able to bring happiness into people's lives in other ways. Take this morning. ...  read more ...


The marvellous Pilgrim series written by Sebastian Baczkiewicz is back on Radio 4 in the Afternoon Drama slot on Thursday afternoon for a fourth season. ...  read more ...

I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: