5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


Another councillor pointed out to me that yesterday it was a year since we were elected to Highland Council. It's an anniversary about which I confess I have mixed feelings ...  read more ...


I'm standing as a candidate for Policy Development Committee - Highlands & Islands (open list) so here's a quick bio for anyone searching for me on the Interwebs.  read more ...


I've wasted far too much time lately worrying about a web site which Cambridgeshire County Council is imposing on us called ShapeYourPlace which aims to be a "one stop shop" both for reporting issues within our community and for posting local news and events.  read more ...


With the growing anger over the proposed sell of our woodland (and if you've not signed the 38 Degrees petition yet then please find time to do so) I've been pondering why I'm more angry with the Lib Dems ...  read more ...


I've tried hard to stay out of local politics of late but we've got a district council election coming up this May and the latest Tory leaflets leave me feeling it's time that I reacted publicly to what's been said.  read more ...


We finally launched Milton's new web site about ten days ago. www.milton.org.uk provides all the information which used to be on www.miltonvillage.org.uk, other than the parish council related pages ...  read more ...


This has taken ten days out of my life. It has also reminded me why it is that I came off the parish council. ...  read more ...

I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: