5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


My mother Pat Oldham died peacefully at 2am today after a surprisingly rapid decline from being diagnosed last December with stage 4 renal cancer.  read more ...


It's the funeral of my uncle Derek this afternoon. I confess I didn't know him that well - he only came on the scene quite late in the day so I didn't grow up with him around - but it would have been good to have been there for his funeral as he was married to Margaret, my youngest aunt of whom I'm very fond.  read more ...



As most people know by now Jake was taken from us very unexpectedly on Saturday afternoon. Beth wrote a very eloquent obituary and I don't think there's much I can add except that every time I read it I want to cry again. But I did dig out this photo, a crop of which is currently my avatar all over the place. It was taken by Beth on 5th May and I do like it: one man and his dog.


I was lucky enough to do my degree at King's College, Cambridge and one of the consequences of that is that you get sent a copy of the Annual Report every year. ...  read more ...


I'm ridiculously sad this morning, close to tears in fact, because of a cartoon character.  read more ...


My phone rang as we sat in the restaurant tonight waiting for our main course to turn up. As I've remarked before I don't get many phone calls now ...  read more ...


Cambridge News today has an article about Milton villager Gordon Laurie, who died recently. Gordon was the first chairman of the children's hospice trustees ...  read more ...

I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: