5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


For a while now I've been mulling over a way of getting myself a portable Squeezebox radio. The background to this is that the core of our house media is a Logitech Media Server (aka SlimServer, SqueezeCenter and Squeezebox Server) running on our house server. All our CDs are ripped onto it as MP3s and we can also listen to all of the BBC's radio output, both live and via iPlayer, plus a vast collection of internet radio from around the world.  read more ...


Netflix, bless 'em, have recently opened up the ability to play their content on Linux desktops so long as you use recent versions of Chrome (37 or higher). You couldn't before because Netflix uses HTML5 and a technology called Encrypted Media Extensions to prevent piracy. Those extensions require access to a set of libraries called Network Security Services. Now we have them in Chrome and Netflix opened the floodgates.  read more ...


... and MONEY_FRAUD_3 rules in SpamAssassin have caused me all sorts of grief this morning so I thought I'd do a quick blog post here for Google to pick up to help anyone else who goes the same way.  read more ...


As you may know we host lots of mailing lists at The Hug using mailman, which is pretty much the de facto standard open source solution for such things, and yesterday I saw a bounce from Yahoo! which had rejected an email sent through the list server to a subscriber using a yahoo.co.uk email address. The reason took my breath away.  read more ...


As it's an unseasonably nice day I've been out taking photos around the village for the Milton village photo archive and when I got back I slurped them off the camera to take a look at them.  read more ...


This is just some quick hints and links for Google to pick over as a result of my work today setting up DKIM signing on our server. Some background...  read more ...


I was looking at the web server logs today while trying to sort out an issue with a spammer on the Milton village web site and I got to thinking about its RSS feed. ...  read more ...

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I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

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