5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


29/365 - Gorse on Nairn Beach

A lovely day today, such a contrast to yesterday, so we went for a walk down to the beach where the tide was well in (it's also springs). The gorse is really coming out now.


24/365 - Another Nairn Sunset

From the patio windows again. Gorgeous.


23/365 - Lichen

The lichen in Kingsteps Quarry just below our house is just gorgeous close up.


21/365 - On East Beach

We wandered down to Nairn East Beach this afternoon with the dogs. Another lovely sunny day, although a lot colder with frost on the sand(!) but no wind so you didn't really feel it in the sun.


20a/365 - Dusk over Nairn

Having taken my photo of the day I was closing the blinds of the sun room and saw this so an extra bonus photo today.


20/365 - Across the Moray

A busy day today but it was so nice that I took time out to walk down to the beach with Jack and sat in the sun while I took this in very clear air. North Sutor opposite is about nine miles away and Petroatlantic is about half way across. As you can see the Moray is pretty much flat calm.  read more ...


18/365 - Gorse

Up here gorse takes the place of hawthorn as the first flowers to appear in the hedgerow in Spring. It's just starting to come out and is apparently very early this year.

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I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: