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I worry about words and how people use them and over the last few days I seem to be seeing examples of wording which have made me think "as opposed to the other sort?". read more ... |
Today's Word of the Day is "minify" which is, to my surprise, a real word - in American English at least - not one made up by programmers. In general terms it means to make small or smaller but in computer terms it has a more specific meaning: to reduce the size of source to make it load, parse and execute faster. read more ... |
I was asked by Acer to fill in an online survey about my netbook. It all went fine until I got to this question: read more ... |
As the year draws to a close Beth's been working on her web pages here and that got me looking at mine. ... read more ... |
Sitting on the loo yesterday reading the small ads in the last Private Eye I spotted this in the "Eye to Eye" section: read more ... |
We popped into Tesco today after lunch to get some tissues (my nose is running like a tap at the moment) and some biscuits... read more ... |
Our parish church in Milton is All Saints'. It's a nice little church, very old, bits of it are 13th century... read more ... |
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