5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


I worry about words and how people use them and over the last few days I seem to be seeing examples of wording which have made me think "as opposed to the other sort?".  read more ...


Today's Word of the Day is "minify" which is, to my surprise, a real word - in American English at least - not one made up by programmers. In general terms it means to make small or smaller but in computer terms it has a more specific meaning: to reduce the size of source to make it load, parse and execute faster.  read more ...


I was asked by Acer to fill in an online survey about my netbook. It all went fine until I got to this question:  read more ...


As the year draws to a close Beth's been working on her web pages here and that got me looking at mine. ...  read more ...


Sitting on the loo yesterday reading the small ads in the last Private Eye I spotted this in the "Eye to Eye" section:  read more ...


We popped into Tesco today after lunch to get some tissues (my nose is running like a tap at the moment) and some biscuits...  read more ...


Our parish church in Milton is All Saints'. It's a nice little church, very old, bits of it are 13th century...  read more ...

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I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: