5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


1/365 - The Petro Boys

This will probably turn out to be a millstone and be abandoned part way through the year but various factors, not least ordering a new camera which is due to arrive sometime soon, mean that I'm going to attempt a photo 365 project - taking at least one photo every day in 2017.  read more ...



Last year I posted a photo of a benchmark on Milton parish church. On Saturday afternoon I was in Nairn high street with my camera and chanced across another one so took this photo. It's been pushed heavily to black and white (although it was pretty monochrome already).  read more ...


Continuing with my mission to make good use of my new carbon fibre tripod I headed out this evening to a nearby high point with a good view west down the Moray Firth towards Nairn town centre.  read more ...


The Aurora Borealis is back

So tonight we had another amber alert from AuroraWatch UK but when we were out shopping it was piddling down so we weren't optimistic. But then at about 9pm the sky cleared, just in time for the aurora sweet spot (9pm to midnight).  read more ...


First Aurora

Last night saw AuroraWatch UK declare an amber alert so armed with my trusty Sony NEX-6 with Beth's Samyang 12mm f/2 lens mounted on it, and a new carbon fibre tripod and an IR remote shutter release (yes, more new toys) we headed out to the nearest point with a clear view over the Moray Firth, which is only a short walk away.  read more ...


We had a cycle out today to visit the viewing tower in Culbin Forest which is next to the trig point on top of "Hill 99". Apparently it's called Hill 99 because it's 99ft above sea level, although on the OS map it's more prosaically show as 29m which 'units' believes is 95ft, but whatever.  read more ...


I joined our local library recently because, unlike Milton where we had to make do with a mobile library two days a month, Nairn has a little library in the High Street with two members of staff, Internet access on both PCs and WiFi, the works.  read more ...

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I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: