5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


As you may well know we have a website called WalkLakes which is about walking in the Lake District and the main income stream from that is that we sell PDF versions of our walks and also GPX route files for use with GPSs and mapping software.  read more ...


Wow, the last time I posted here was over four years ago. Which I guess is good news as it means nothing significant has happened. And that's the truth of it. I am still, touch wood, seizure free after four years and three months on Keppra.  read more ...


I first came across The Yellow Car Game while listening to John Finnemore's Cabin Pressure, a quite excellent Radio 4 sit com which I heartily recommend, and which starred John, Roger Allam, Stephanie Cole, and Benedict Cumberbatch.  read more ...


Over the last twenty four hours I've been asking my friends on Facebook and also my followers on Mastodon which of these two dot matrix signs at the side of the road has the "correct" centring, or whether anyone really cares.  read more ...


Another councillor pointed out to me that yesterday it was a year since we were elected to Highland Council. It's an anniversary about which I confess I have mixed feelings ...  read more ...


I had an experience yesterday which I've not stopped thinking about since so thought I'd share here. As a councillor I'm all too aware of the cost of living crisis and I've been to many meetings where it's been on the agenda, including some where it was the only item.  read more ...


As part of my migration away from Twitter to Mastodon I've had to re-work some of the integrations between that and my web pages.  read more ...

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I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: