5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


I have, I confess, being buying new toys. I blame Beth. Oh, and Amazon. You'll remember that a couple of weeks ago we cycled to the mouth of the Findhorn to see the seals. Beth was on her snazzy new fat bike and I was on my Marin San Rafael hybrid. ...  read more ...


As I think we've already established I'm a sucker for a legacy lens, especially Minolta SR mount MC/MD lens or which there are lots, so I tend to browse eBay to see what's about. Back in March as the house move was really getting started I came across a listing described as Minolta XD7 35mm SLR Camera with 3 Lenses Rokkor/Tokina/MD + more bundle/lot. Here's the main photo:  read more ...


I mentioned here before in passing that I'm now using Three for one of my two SIMs (the other remains on giffgaff). I'm using them because their newish 3-2-1 PAYG tariff is spot on for my usage pattern. So that's 3p min for calls, 2p per text and 1p/MB data.  read more ...


Wileyfox Swift I've got a new phone. Yeah, yeah, so what? You're always getting a new phone. Well, actually it's a good 18 months since I bought the Moto G dual SIM phone as a grey import from India and I've been looking enviously at Beth's 4G Moto E as it's so blisteringly fast and 4G coverage is getting very good now, often better than 3G.  read more ...


Just over six months after I bought and later returned my first Chromebook I'm back on the Google road again, this time with a Dell Chromebook 11" (2014). "Why now? Why that one?" you're asking yourself (well, you're probably not, but whatever, bear with me).  read more ...


When I'm walking I don't tend to navigate via GPS (although I do sometimes use one for track logging) as I still prefer a paper map but occasionally it's useful to be able to just double check your location by asking the GPS for the OSGB grid reference.  read more ...


Those of you who've been to our house know that the sitting room HiFi is of a great age, something of which I've remained stubbornly proud, not least because I get a great sound out if it. The input components have come and gone...  read more ...

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I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: