5x12 pentomino tiling

Wiblog - Paul's Wibblings


Today I finally got around to revealing the Milton Photo Archive to the world, something I spent a lot of time working on the last time Beth was away researching walks for WalkLakes.  read more ...


We've just got back from three weeks in Scotland in Florence. The first week we drove up via Braemar to Ullapool for the book festival. ...  read more ...


So, I've been a little distracted for the last ten days of so by the aftermath of the dog incident. The current state of the nation is that Jack and I are off to the vet today ...  read more ...


So, to summarise then: bull terrier attacks Jessie, Beth intervenes, is knocked over and breaks a metatarsal in her foot (we discover later). Meanwhile I'm about 100m away with Jack and hear Beth scream so come running back with Jack (probably a mistake in retrospect).  read more ...


I've just embarked on taking a new drug in an attempt to get my migraines under some sort of control (more about that here) and the notes that came with it say I may notice a "change in your mood or experience feelings of depression".  read more ...


After a long struggle the first public release of our mapping application, rewritten to use the Ordnance Survey's OpenSpace server is now online at last. As before it lets you browse the country using Ordnance Survey 1:50,000 scale maps and both create routes to download for use on your GPS and upload tracks from your GPS to see where you've been.  read more ...


The Swan Whisperer

Quite how Beth first managed to get the parent swan to come over and sit so very close to her while she took photos and then for the parent to be so unconcerned when the cygnets turned up too and got even closer I'm not sure, but it was quite a thing to watch.

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I am currently reading:

A History of Women in 101 Objects by Annabelle Hirsch Game On by Janet Evanovich

Word of the Day: